Sometimes, people will hate me because of their friend’s influences. That hatred will explode like a volcano that is full of toxic chemicals that kills anything. no mercy.
Sometimes, people cannot just accept me the way i am but wanting me to accept them for who they are...
Sometimes, people believe they are saints but infact we are all sinners. We are just missing the part of acknowledging who we really are…
Sometimes, when people see you achieve one thing, just one single bloody thing... INSECURITIES arrises. JEALOUSY. -- oh dear, we are not born to please people aren't we? - yay! Instead of appreciating we tend to pull the person down.. its like you even bend your knees pulling that person down... lolz..
Sometimes, people want you to listen to them but they don't want to listen to you. They thought they are listening but infact they're just hearing you... i think there's a fine line between these words. lolz.
Sometimes, lets face it.. we all lie! who doesn't lie here.. lolz..
I call all these emotions as the.. ATTRIBUTES OF ATTITUDES.. lolz
THE EVOLUTION OF IMAGINATIONS? - That came to me when i took a photo of this view. When you look at that tree in the middle, seems that there’s a rabbit relaxing under it. Or it could be anything…
It’s already half of the year and i tell you, for me.. my life was really colorful. I experience all sorts of obstacles that taught me a lot especially to become more MINDFUL when it comes to dealing with so many things. Combating difficulties was the challenging part.
(sometimes) LIFE IS UNFAIR, i say. - i have to be honest with this one… For example, I thought that in a certain situation, its perky when you believe that you’re the only one weighing things, seems that when you understood the situation more than others, its better that you find a way to maintain peace instead of war. Although on the other hand, consequences were ignored.
MISTAKEN which links to being JUDGE MENTAL- these words i want to be bold at, most of the time. WE humans, especially toxic gossipers love to judge people. For some, its already an addiction. It’s like a drug. They can’t leave without it. lolz
When i was in Scotland, I really enjoyed our tour guides, they were so lively and so genius about their history. What i love about the quote they left one day was when they mentioned about this…
“Never give your reasons, for your judgement will probably be right, but your reasons almost certainly will be wrong.” - Lord Mansfield
Anyway, we all have our own definitions of whatever words we want to define but i still believe that, with my experience. We should cultivate more COMPASSION in our lives. It’s always best to put ourselves in the shoes of the other person before concluding or generating any negative thoughts. We should stop assuming that we know a person so well and believing that we are not committing mistakes.
I do made a LOT of mistakes in my life and I’m glad about it because without it, i may have not become a bit wiser or know a lot or learned a lot on the process.
Like what they say, its always greener on the other side of the fence…
“The past no longer exists. The future has not arrived yet. The only moment we really can experience is the PRESENT MOMENT which is somewhat we seem most to avoid.”
I guess, its distinction is… its better if we keep on the RIGHT NOW not the GONE.. lolz
To sum up my photo thoughts. With all these extraordinary circumstances. It taught me to optimize in re-shaping my life specially when merging into the world of the wilderness. It actually helps in increasing strength, flexibility and acceptance. It builds PATIENCE & LOVE.
#love #wisdom #patience #gossip #attitudes #personality #grateful