Monday, January 26, 2015

A Visit at the Kyaik Pun Pagoda, Myanmar

Buddha hand gesture which means: "BHUMISPARSA - Calling the Earth To Witness the Truth"

What an experience! Here's another photo taken at "The Kyaik Pun Pagoda is a small Buddhist monastery near the town of Bago, known for its four towering images of the Buddha visible from far away.

The impressive 27 meter high images are out in the open, without shelter from the elements by any covering temple structure. The Kyaik Pun Pagoda was built in 1476 by Dhammazedi, a devout Buddhist and King of the Mon Kingdom of Hanthawaddy (Pegu).

The Kyaik Pun Pagoda or Kyaikpun Paya is an active place of worship; the images are highly revered by Laotian Buddhists who come to pay their respect."

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