Wednesday, January 7, 2015


"...people change, even good people, if they get the wrong thing in their head. And not everything is always what it looks like and sometimes just because one person looks weak, they might be very strong, and another person might look like a spooky freak but he might be one of the kindest people you'd ever meet. And I guess I learned that time is slippery...We have to enjoy every second, love with all our hearts, all we can, while we can.”  ― Lee Thompson

How i really wish that sometimes, people will also understand and respect your feelings and NOT take that for granted. Sometimes, in some situations, people always believe that you will ALWAYS understand them, even in an obvious situation that they are the ones at fault. There are many circumstances when we encounter people like this. Does it has to do with familiarity? It's when you open the door to certain people and when that door is fully opened, sadly.. some will just take that as an opportunity, an opportunity for you to become their prey. 

It feels so funny when people don't let go of the past. They stick on that memory and will use that as their defense mechanism to protect their guilt. Pathetic! What a sad way of letting go of someone whom you thought its a good person. 2015 is here and like the rest of us, let go of the past and life must move on. Unfortunately, even if you're avoiding those past (unhappy) experiences and negative people, they are always there. Lucky there's a word.. 'choice". On the other hand, I always believe that when you are kind to these people, you are always the victim of their trashy personalities.

Many experiences came along my way and i tell you, all those experiences thought me to understand the word, FIERCE! Even though this may seem pretty obvious to a lot of people, you still find way to realize how lucky you are.

The other day, i received a message from a good friend, she mentioned to me about her crappy experiences. Apparently, stories were accumulated and she can't take it anymore. I asked her how things happened and she started to tell me.. "i heard from..... " I listened to her stories until she felt better, whilst reading all her stories, i realized that i just wasted 60 seconds of time, reading all these non-sense so i told her.. "you're basically hurt because of the stories, YOU HEARD?..." and she replied and said... "yes, because the person who told me was a close friend of mine..."

The day, i discovered the people who are truly fake (at least from what i've proven was right) i've given another chance (they don't even know that.. lolz..) until i had enough of them and honestly, it was very easy for me to accept who they are.. t'was an A-plus to let go, to understand, to forgive and to never forget what they taught me (on how) to deal with them, perhaps? Mostly, there will be NO space of sorrow or anger. Purely, gained my inner peace... and for their own benefit, it's a free world after all, so i'm just gonna enjoy eating my pop-corn watching them with their own little, tiny, bitsy, mind grinding with all their stories on their brains and proclaim they are always RIGHT.. lolz.. 

I don’t appreciate being judged, and I know I don’t deserve it. Just like none of us deserve misdirected rage from a family member, coworker, or stranger. We have a right to set boundaries and communicate when something is not okay. But the world is a better place when we choose to do that from a place of love and compassion, instead of righteousness and judgment. We all act thoughtlessly at times. Most often we don’t mean to hurt each other. We just don’t recognize or remember how to STOP hurting ourselves.

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